Sunday, January 23, 2011

Jan 23: Swim - 25m pool, 8-8:50pm

I ran yesterday so today I just observed how my knees are. As I thought, I can feel something around the front of my knees. It hasn't developed as pain just yet but feels like it's just before that. The doctor at the lecture yesterday recommended to do some stretch since the rectus muslce of thigh is so hard. I tried the stretch but it's so painful, I learnt that it's not stretched at all. So perhaps it gets painful before the muscles gets hard. I took the pain and continued with the stretch but the result is not there yet. (or the result is there, but perhaps haven't developed as a pain just yet).

Today, I focused on adjusting form and swam very slowly. When it's going well, I only need 14 strokes but when I relax it immediately raises to 17 or 19 strokes. To be able to swim long distance, you'll have to swim very slowly, but at first it's so cold (the water feels cold anyway) I ended up swimming fast and therefore after 300m, my breathing control gets tough. I'll need to improve my breath control as well.

Result: 300m, 100m, 100m, 100m, 100m, 400m,  Total: 1.1km

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