Thursday, January 20, 2011

Jan 20: Swim - 50m pool, 6:15 - 6:45pm

Today is also a cold day, and when I arrived to Sendagaya, I didn't want to even think about getting into the pool, but from previous experiences I know it'll improve after swimming so I pushed myself to the swimming pool reception. Today, one of the lane is booked so the slow lane is busy. After 300m I got stuck. And I was a little tired at this point since I swam fast to get rid of the cold. For 200m afterwards, I adjusted the form and tried to swim for 500m but after 300m, my front left thigh muscle was about to have cramp so I stopped there. In the past, I ended up having a cramp in the same place but on the right side. This happened since it was after cycling so perhaps my muscles were tired. Come to think about it, it might be because I did some training at home with the cycling kit which arrived yesterday. Normal weekdays after work, I usually can't train cycling outside since it's too cold. So I bought this training roller kit and now I can practice indoors! It seems to take more time to recover muscle tiredness due to aging. That's probably why I almost had a cramp today.

As for cycling, I'm going to train 15minutes with uphill (indoors). This is the level which I'm just about to start sweating.

Result: 300m, 200m, 300m, Total: 800m (the least amount recorded)

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