Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25: Many things happened

On March 5th, I injured my finger (cut my left thumb almost in half!) so I couldn't swim for a whole month.
On March 11th, due to Japan disaster, most of the pool has closed for a whole month due to electricity outage and saving electricity.
On April 19th, I had an operation for cataract and have been told not to swim for 3 months.

So from one to another, hardship came to me as if it was trying me to give up the triathlon. Although the harder it is, I usually increase the motivation. On April 3rd and 16th, the neighbourhood pool opened so went there to swim and confirmed that I can swim 800m continuously.

I already have plane ticket so I'll need to prepare bicycle, clothing, wet suits. Also it'll be difficult to train right beforehand (i.e. open water experience with wet suits), so I'll be doing it on the day, and I hope it will be a good experience. It still remains as my task to increase stamina and muscles.

My son now can swim over 1km so he is also taking part, hence there will be 2 people participating from Japan. The photo link for the Sterke Peer Triathlon is here:

It looks so much fun!

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